Gifted Education
Our school actively develops gifted education and identify students who are gifted in different disciplines and the area of leadership.
Each semester, our shcool adopts "The Three-tier Implementation Model" suggested by EDB.
Level 1 - We use pedagogies that could tap the potential of students in higher-order thinking skills, creativity, social skills, etc in the regular classroom. We then split classes to cater for the students' needs;
Level 2 - We pull-out the more able students and provide enrichment or specific programmes so as to increase the their gifted ability in particular disciplinary or interdisciplinary areas within the school setting;
Level 3 - we provide personalized learning opportunities outside the school setting for the exceptionally gifted students
We also frequently workshops and provide oppotunies for all sorts of learning experiences.
Differntiated Education
Our school participated in Jockey Club's "Diversity at School" Project. We are also honored that the professional team and alumni from the the Hong Kong Chinese University visited us and supported our diversified teaching at school. They also organized several teacher training workshops, helping the teachers to deeply understand Differentiation Education. They helped increase our skills to do Differentiated Education,.
Th strengthen the support for SEN students, our school set up a learning support group and provide suitable learning support for those students with learning needs. For example, we adopt group teaching in some classes to enhance pull-out class and promote studetns to start career planning.